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Spring is on its way. For us, that means mornings of back porch sitting with coffee, camera, and binoculars in hand watching the usual suspects at our backyard feeders. However, there is one visitor we impatiently await. Of course, I’m talking about that flying jewel, the tiniest of all birds, and by far my favorite to watch and photograph, the Hummingbird.
Here in North Texas, our most common hummers are the Black-chinned Hummingbird and the Ruby-throated Hummingbird. Yesterday I pulled out the feeders, knocked off the winter dust, and made a little homemade nectar. As of this morning, they are hanging and ready for this year’s prized guests.
I’ve gone through many hummingbird feeders over the years. A couple of years ago on a trip to the Texas Hill Country, I discovered what I believe to be the best feeder ever made. It’s even made here in Texas, in the little town of Poteet. It’s called the Best 1 Hummingbird Feeder. It comes in two sizes, 8 oz., and 32 oz. What sold me on this feeder was how easy it was to clean and take care of. It’s inexpensive yet made to last.

We also make our own nectar. It’s easy to make and takes only as long as it takes to boil water. It’s so easy even I can’t mess it up. Below is the recipe for hummingbird nectar. Please keep in mind, even though it’s tempting to put red food coloring in the food; it isn’t good for the birds.
Step 1: Bring 4 cups of water to a boil.
Step 2: Boil this mixture for 2 minutes to help prevent it from spoiling too rapidly.
Step 3: Add 1 cup of white granulated sugar.
Step 4: Stir well until the sugar is dissolved.
Step 5: Allow to thoroughly cool.
Step 6: Pour into clean hummingbird feeders.
I hope you have as much fun watching and photographing your tiny visitors as we do!
