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Colorful, rowdy, mischievous, and aggressive are all good words to describe the incredible species of jays we have here in the great state of Texas. Considering they belong to the same family that includes magpies, crows, and ravens, it’s not surprising that their most outstanding characteristic is their boisterous call. Combined with their stunning beauty, these wondrous birds are entertaining to watch. I will give you some easy tips to attract jays to your backyard. But first, did you know there are 4 species of jays in Texas?
Jays are incredible birds. With its stout, all-purpose beak, the jay can hammer, crack, probe, and split its food. No nut is too hard to crack for this bird. If the jay has difficulty in holding and cracking a particularly tough nut, it is not unusual for the bird to wedge the nut in a log to get a better blow with its beak. They will eat almost anything including insects and carrion, but most of their diet consists of nuts and seeds. When an abundance of food is available, the birds bury their surplus nuts, then dig them up again when food is scarce. Brains and beauty!
Now that you know a little about jays in general, let's take a closer look at each of the four species that are found in Texas. Let’s start with the most common of the fantastic four, the Blue Jay.

The Blue Jay, with its bright blue color, black and white markings, and head crest makes it easy to identify. Three-fourths of the Blue Jay's diet consists of vegetable matter. The animal portion of its menu includes spiders, snails, salamanders, tree frogs, mice, and insects. It is among the few birds that eat hairy caterpillars, and it will even rip open cocoons to get to the pupae inside. One activity they seem to enjoy is harassing predatory birds such as herons, owls, hawks, or crows. A flock of noisy jays will surround the bird, screaming and darting. Occasionally, the jays will tease one of these predatory birds by imitating the cry of a wounded bird, but the joke can backfire. If not all the mischievous jays escape in time, one of them may become a meal for the predator.

The Green Jay is the tropical member of the foursome and my favorite. Found only in South Texas, its green, yellow, and blue plumage makes it a gem for any birder or photographer. The Green Jay is a clamorous, colorful delight. Like other jays and crows, this species is an incredibly versatile forager equally comfortable at picking, pouncing, and even flycatching. Green Jays use sticks to pry up loose bark, exposing insect prey. They are among the few North American bird species known to use tools. Green Jays, like the more familiar Blue Jays, are excellent mimics. Here in Texas, they may imitate the call of various hawks to frighten away other bird species (such as Plain Chachalacas) from the food they want to eat.