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Living in the big city of Dallas, finding wildlife to photograph takes a lot of research and, most of the time, a little bit of driving. While researching places to go, I found a Photography Ranch in South, Texas called Laguna Seca Ranch. I would spend hours gazing at the incredible pictures of birds I had never seen before and some I didn’t even know existed. After months of emails and planning with Ruth Hoyt, one of the guides at the ranch, we made our way south to the Laguna Seca Ranch.
Early one Thursday morning, we met Ruth at a local gas station. She instantly made us feel welcome. After introductions, Ruth explained what we could expect from the day. I could hardly wait to get started. As we followed Ruth down the dirt road to the ranch, we saw a Caracara perched on an old fence post; our own personal welcome wagon.
We began the morning at the raptor blind. Caracaras had already started to circle overhead. Our backdrop was a lovely field filled with tiny yellow flowers. Within minutes, Caracaras were everywhere. It was unbelievable. By the time we stopped for lunch, I had already taken over
3,000 images!

After downloading all the images from my cards, recharging batteries, and grabbing a quick bite to eat, we headed back to Laguna Seca for the afternoon shoot. This time, Ruth set us up in the blind at Beaver’s Pond. Just as we finished setting up our equipment, the convoy of birds began. The first bird was the iconic Cardinal. Next up, (why can’t we have these in Dallas?) is the Green Jay. A Great Kiskadee joined the party, followed by the Curved-billed Thrasher and the Golden-fronted Woodpecker. It was three hours of photography and birding bliss.
As the sun was setting, we reluctantly said goodbye to Ruth and thanked her for an incredible day. If there ever was a “Bird Whisperer” it’s our new friend, Ruth Hoyt. Words cannot express our gratitude. Her knowledge of Wildlife and Wildlife Photography is astounding. Thank you, Ruth, and thank you to Laguna Seca Ranch!
Click the link below to view more images from our Laguna Seca Ranch trip.
For information about visiting Laguna Seca Ranch or working with Ruth Hoyt see the links below for contact information.
Ruth Hoyt
Website: http://ruthhoyt.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ruthhoytphoto
Laguna Seca Ranch
