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**Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. Read my full Affiliate Disclaimer here.

Welcome and thank you for visiting Cutts Nature Photography. My name is David Cutts and I am a wildlife and nature photographer. I started this blog to help and educate fellow nature and wildlife photographers, birdwatchers, and nature lovers.

I am just an average guy trying to “make it” in the ever-growing and competitive world of wildlife and nature photography. Like most of you, I work a 40-hour job. I don’t own any super expensive gear and sometimes I buy my camouflage at Walmart. I live in the big city of Dallas, Texas where wildlife can sometimes seem… nonexistent. So, I decided to create a mini bird sanctuary in my backyard. If I can’t be out in nature, I will bring nature to me.

Join me as we learn about backyard birding and how you too can have your little birding paradise for wildlife photography, or just for the sheer pleasure of birdwatching. I will also share some interesting facts about the wildlife I have had the privilege to watch and photograph, up-close and personal. I might even throw in a product review now and then.

Browse my galleries, read my “About” page, and please don’t forget to subscribe. Thanks again for visiting and I hope to hear from you soon.

Until then, keep the sun behind you and the birds in view.



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